The Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is celebrated based on moon cycles and marks the start of a new lunar calendar. This celebration, which falls on a different day every year, is meant to celebrate the arrival of spring. The upcoming Year of the Dragon begins on Feb. 10, 2024 and ends on Jan. 28, 2025. The Year of the Dragon is the fifth animal of the Chinese zodiac calendar and is associated with good luck, justice, prosperity, and strength. People born in the year of the dragon are seen as charismatic, intelligent, confident, powerful, naturally lucky, and gifted. The dragon is also associated with the element of wood, and wood dragons are considered introverted but successful leaders who are dedicated to their work. The next Year of the Dragon will occur in 2036. Throughout Chinese history, the dragon has been a well-known mascot and symbol in Chinese culture. Many people worldwide celebrate the Lunar New Year, and the upcoming Year of the Dragon will be celebrated by millions. This year, it will be celebrated on the night of the second new moon after the winter solstice.
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