The United Arab Emirates is closely monitoring the case of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram messaging app, who was arrested in France. The UAE has requested that France provide all consular services for Durov, stating that ensuring the care of UAE citizens is a top priority. Durov, who holds citizenship in the UAE, France, Russia, and St Kitts and Nevis, was detained based on a judicial inquiry involving alleged criminal violations related to his popular messaging app. French President Emmanuel Macron has emphasized that Durov’s arrest is part of an independent investigation and not a political move. France and the UAE have a close military relationship, with the French operating a naval base in Abu Dhabi and providing military equipment to the Emirati forces.
The Russian government has condemned Durov’s detention, alleging it is politically motivated and highlights a double standard on freedom of speech in the West. Telegram has defended its operations, stating it complies with EU laws and maintains industry-standard content moderation practices. Durov has not been charged yet, but French law allows for up to four days of questioning before a decision must be made on charges or release. The case has garnered attention globally, with many closely watching the developments surrounding Durov’s arrest in France.
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